The Legend of Notch With hundreds of new weapons, armors and items and Minigames! The world you play in a custom large (3000 × 3000 blocks) with caves, cities, villages and much more! Reincarnation, a massive Modify Minecraft, Minecraft can turn your work into a full RPG-game with a great story custom (4-8 hours), tons of new monsters and NPCs.
Upgrade Health/Mana Potions:

Health Potion + Magic Remains

Strong Health Potion + Corrupted Remains
Life Crystal:

Magic Remains + Corrupted Remains
Corrupted Plant:

Corrupted Remains + Jungle Flower

This is the basic Sword, you can apply this recipe on Weapons ranging from Cobalt – Platinum

This is the basic Dagger, you can apply this recipe on Weapons ranging from Cobalt – Platinum

This is the basic Mage Staff, you can apply this recipe on Weapons ranging from Cobalt – Platinum

This is the basic Hammer Recipe, you can apply this recipe on Weapons ranging from Cobalt – Platinum
Armor Recipes:
Armor Recipes:

Basic Helmet Recipe (Cobalt – Platinum)

Basic Chest Recipe (Cobalt – Platinum)

Basic Legs Recipe (Cobalt – Platinum)

Basic Boots Recipe (Cobalt – Platinum)
Mystic Items:
Mystic Ingot + Mystic Crystal

Special Dusts:
Arcane Dust

Glowstone + Magic Crystal
Divine Dust

Platinum Ingot + Lava Crystal
Supernatural Dust

Snake Egg + Turtle Shell + Perfect Snake Hide + Turtle Poison
Apocalyptic Dust

Creeper Bone + Corrupted Crystal
Infinity Dust

Mystic Crystal + Magic Leaf
Extremely Strong Weapons and Amor:
Arcane Sword

Mystic Weapon (Sword, Dagger, etc…) + Arcane Dust
Divine Sword

Arcane Weapon + Divine Dust
Supernatural Sword

Divine Weapon + Supernatural Dust
Apocalyptic Sword

Supernatural Weapon + Apocalyptic Dust
Infinity Sword

Apocalyptic Weapon + Infinity Dust
Arcane Armor (works with every armor piece)

Arcane Dust + Mystic Armor Piece + Armor Remains
Divine Armor

Divine Dust + Arcane Armor Piece + Armor Remains
Supernatural Armor

Supernatural Dust + Divine Armor Piece + Armor Remains
Apocalyptic Armor

Apocalyptic Dust + Supernatural Armor Piece + Armor Remains
Infinity Armor

Infinity Dust + Apocalyptic Armor Piece + Armor Remains
Magic Wisp Stuff:
Mystic Crystal

8 Magic Crystals
Different Wisp Crystals (always same shape)

9 Wisp Remains (Magic, Air, Water, Earth, Fire, etc…)
Special Weapons:

Blaze Weapons (Sword, Dagger, Hammer, etc…)
Elemental Weapons:

All Elemental Weapons (Fire, Earth, Water, Fire) as (Sword, Dagger, Hammer, Mage Staff) are created with Magic Wisp Crystals (Water Crystal for example).
- Download The Legend of Notch: Reincarnation Mod
- Go to your .minecraft folder and navigate to saves
- Open the .rar of this Mod
- Go into: TLoN-WorldMap.rar
- Drag the folder: TLoN-WorldMap into your saves folder
- Go back to your .minecraft and navigate to bin -> minecraft.jar (open with WinRar)
- Go into the .rar of this Mod again and openTLoN-Reincarnation Client.rar
- Drag ALL the files into your minecraft.jar
- Delete META-INF in your minecraft.jar
- Start Minecraft and select as world -> world!
- F: Opens your Attributes
- G: Opens optional Quests
- M: Opens world map
- Y, X, C, V, B, N: For the level 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 special attacks
- K + 0 (zero not O): Cheats your Level up and gives you tons of cash
Note: Download this Patch if you already installed the Main Download. Patches will update the mod, without downloading all the ~50MB of the full mod. Be sure to download this patch to be up to date! You install the Patch just by dragging all the files into your minecraft.jar! It may occur that the Game crashes after you installed the patch (if you open an old TLoN save) just exit minecraft and re-open the selected world. That’ll solve the problem!
Credits: Sthullen
Download The Legend of Notch For 1.6.2/1.6.1/1.5.2/1.5.1
Download The Legend of Notch
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Download The Legend of Notch
Download Patch Update
The Legend of Notch For For 1.5
Download The Legend of Notch