This mod adds over 35 new glass blocks to your game to spice things up.
Blocks And Items Added:
- Smooth Glass
- Darkened Smooth Glass
- Hardened Glass (Needs a pickaxe to mine, has the same resistance as obsidian)
- Black Glass
- Blue Glass
- Cocoa Glass
- Cyan Glass
- Dark Green Glass
- Light Blue Glass
- Grey Glass
- Lime Glass
- Orange Glass
- Pink Glass
- Purple Glass
- Red Glass
- White Glass
- Yellow Glass
- Fire Glass (Creative only for now)
- Rainbow Glass (Creative only for now)
- Colored Dye (Creative only for now)
- Xray Glass (Made by accident, but it’s pretty cool, see the screens)
- Glass Stairs (Glass stairs of every variation added in the mod, excluding Xray, Fire and Rainbow Glass.
Colored Blocks

Dark Blue



Dark Green

Light Blue









Regular Block
Hardened Glass

Smooth Glass

Smooth Glass Dark


Xray Block

Creative Only ATM

To craft Smooth Glass, simply smelt regular, vanilla glass in a furnace.
To make Darkened Smooth Glass, make a chest shape in the crafting table gui with Smooth Glass and add an ink sac in the middle.
To Make Hardened Glass, make a chest shape in the crafting table gui with vanilla glass and add obsidian in the middle.
To make colored glass, make a chest shape in the crafting table gui with vanilla glass and add the respectable dye into the middle (No magenta, gray and light gray make grey glass).
To make X-Ray glass, make a chest shape in the crafting table gui and place a diamond in the middle. (Expensive, yes, worth it? Yes!)
To make stairs, make the same shape in the crafting table gui as you would for vanilla stairs, but insted use the respectable kind of glass. (Cyan > Cyan Stairs, Vanilla Glass > Glass Stairs, Hardened Glass > Hardened Glass Stairs, etc)
Download and install Minecraft Forge
Download Super Glass Mod
Make a folder called ‘mods’ in your .minecraft folder and add in the SuperGlass zip file
Play Minecraft