This map is a fantasy map with kind of celestial heaven builds. Based in a more of a fantasy/nordic environment with spruce trees and very green grass.
This map is a nature-based map, which means it’s not very dense, but more organic, not very plain and straight forward like a city map can be.
This map has a very hilly corn, so stuff can be surprising when people can be coming from below and people, and through some caves that are located around the map.
There’s also rivers going through the map which means that there’s water. This means that the PVP can be improved as it’s just not a plain grass field where you can run forever, it’s a bit hilly with rivers going through, for variation in the map.
- Completely Voxelsniped terrain
- Hilly environment with great mountains and also rivers which makes the PVP experience get more variety.
- Only custom trees
- 200 radius dome
- Around 200 chests.
- Some caves for additional content.


Way through the mountains.

Really dark picture of a small village part.

View over the custom made forest.

View past a big tower onto the big ship

Big overview over the full map almost.

Alternate screenie with faithful.Basically normal TP

Texture Pack: Faithful Texture Pack