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Ropes Mod

It is a merged and enhanced version of the 3 above mods. Changes include:
Added new elemental Arrow, the Rope Arrow, which on Impact attempts to spawn a falling Rope (max 32 lenght)
Rope Arrow against wall creates wallmounted Rope, hit against ceiling creates ceiling mounted rope
Made elemental Arrow Mod SMP compatible (could not port Egg and Mob arrows, unfortunately)
Made Rope SMP compatible
Merged all 3 mods to use the same Rope type and texture (DJRoslins to be exact)
Made the grappling Hook recoverable by punching it’s rope
The Rope Arrow is also recoverable by punching it’s rope (it breaks into its pieces, though)

Ropes Mod

Arrow Recipes:
Same as standard arrow, but replace flint tip with…
Sand: Confusion Arrow
Dirt: Dirt Arrow
Gunpowder: Explosion Arrow
Coal: Fire Arrow
Seeds: Grass Arrow
Snowball: Ice Arrow
Redstone: Laser Arrow
Rope: Rope Arrow
Slime: Slime Arrow
Torch: Torch Arrow
Obsidian: Warp Arrow

How to install
Download and install Minecraft Forge
Put downloaded archive into .minecraft/mods/ folder. Thats it!

Author: AtomicStryke
