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Minecraft download Ores and Coins mods 1.6.2

Download minecraft mods  Coins and Ores Mod this author CyberFuchs has added an economic system that many Minecraft players will find abundant . Building on strength and speed training work increases in ore vanilla , this mod goes a long way to make time for more productive workshop . It also allows players to create a coin, turn the tables form a kind of market immediately .

free minecraft mods Ores and Coins - Ore than on the ground mean more reward for the long hours of digging , that almost anyone can appreciate . Add copper , silver , Citrine , Amethyst , Sapphire and Ruby , there is no shortage of wealth found in mines and tunnels players will discover . There is also a new history of the ore body for a few bones once exploited .


INSTALLATION: Install Minecraft Forge by using the Forge Installer! Put the"Ores & Coins Mod".zipinto the"mods" folder.
Download mods Ores & Coins 1.6.2
Downloads for older MC-versions:
Download mods Ores & Coins 1.5.2
Download mods Ores & Coins 1.5