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Minecraft Download Mod Plunder Rummage 1.6.2/1.6.1/1.5.2

Download Minecraft Mod Rummage Looting is a mod with a new mechanism for Minecraft, treasure hunting! I designed the mod to be configured (high) and leaving only the core is not a treasure map options, as well as make it a mod for those who wish to explore their world, and the people need a reason to! Treasure Map abandoned by some hostile monsters - 5% change to drop, and there are three levels of difficulty: easy - Always a period, average - Many of the stage and hard rewards

Many stages with the final stage of product awards. 50% of the time to a map, it will be easy, it will be 33% of the time on average, and 17% of the time it will be hard. Map will easily enjoy easy rewards - The file is added. Easy.txt, maps will mean the average bonus

Med.txt files. And the reward easily - Easy with default weight x2. Map all hardware will reward bonus levels - hard.txt files., With the weight of the items for the 2 and 3 easily. Reward hard is pretty hard to get, but they can be a good source for other resources, too.

Process: Hunt mobs, there is a treasure map, right click on the map, the chest is created, players hunt for the chest.

The boxes contain different things. There are three kinds of treasure hunt. Instant gratification, part encouragement, and extended search

The instant gratification is one of the treasure-chest hunting. After the chest was created, that was the end of it. Players can steal the chest and then they will go and find more maps.

encourage the expansion is a treasure hunt. It contains more than one robbery in every step and chest will be a small amount, and chest also includes other maps. This map will create the next chest for hunting, but will have more trophies and other possible maps, etc. This can go on for a number of maps, but there will always be a last chest which contains only robbed.

expanded search is a combination of the previous two, so to speak. It is a step-by-step process, but only a chest containing the map until the breast form, including the spoils (the largest number of any hunting).

Rummage Plunder v0.0.3.7/1.6.2

Change log

- Fixed improper ID Plunder Rummage reward shifts for listing. I recommend deleting the current folder and Plunder Rummage Regenerate Letting them properly.

- Fixed texture LogSplitter.

Rummage Plunder v0.0.1.5/1.6.1

Change log

+ Right clicking on a map will always display it's location now

Official Uncrafting table + GUI

- Phased Blocks

- Colorized Blocks

- Phoenix Set (will return)

- Vampiric Sword (will return)

- Minor Tweaks here and there

- Official Release

Download Mod Plunder Rummage 1.6.2 update 16/8/2013

Download Mod Plunder Rummage 1.6.1

Download Mod Plunder Rummage 1.5.2